Depressing images for you!

This is how it will be……..

This is made up of depressing images…… Unfortunately. The way the images stir you will be telling for how you approach them.

This is one that says it all.

An industrial accident…… We hope!

An accident…. We hope!

A suicide….. we HOPE!!!

This one is horrible!!

This one is what nightmares are made of!

This one is awful!

A player to finish with……….

So, there you have it, all manner of sick images to play around with…. Have fun!

Redmer Hoekstra Art ….. An unsual artist!

I have come across an extremely unusual artist in the last few days, a most extraordinary artist, whose work appeals to me! His work has attracted to me in the most unusual fashion.

So, let us see his work and then go on about it.

He goes about his work in the most unusual way…. As you can see. He says in his website that he gets inspiration from his wandering mind….. He says it all in his website.

Redmer Hoekstra (1982) graduated from the Art Academy in Zwolle as a visual artist and illustrator in 2009. “I’ve always loved alienation and fantasizing, daydreaming. As a child I had all kinds of theories about how the world worked. At the Academy I was able to rediscover this and process this in to my work. How things work is a fascination of mine and in many drawings you can find this. I open up appliances and objects and freely change what is inside. Often a subject gets a completely different feeling or meaning.
I play with form, meaning and function, while new combinations arise.
Often surprising, strange and funny but also with a strange kind of logic, a fantastic and surreal world.

I find my inspiration riding the train or on the road, where my mind can float through the landscape and new connections between things appear. A philosophical view of the world and myself. Who am I? What is my reality and how do I get to decide how it looks and works? They are pen drawings on paper. I work with fine liners . By shading I create light and space, which gives a drawing life. It is important to draw as realistically as possible, to make the alienation most powerful. It’s a laborious and almost artisanal technique . A drawing on average takes 32 to 40 hours.

So all that remains is to illustrate this blog with his work……..

So, there you have it…. His artistic endeavours.

His art is attractive, and I love it, the weirdness of it, and the unusual way he goes about his artwork, drawing it as opposed to using lithography or etching attracts me too.

It remains only to post his website…… That way you will be able to get in touch with him, or – even -buy some of his artwork!

So, there you have it!

Strange images, yet again!

There is the first image……. Really strange!

And here is another one!

And here is another one!!!

And her is yet another one…. This is a big catch!

And yet another one!

A strange road!!!!

And yet another one!

So, there we have it! A couple of images for you to use, if you wish!

More Impossible images for you to play with

Well, we have so many images for you to play with, though these ones are probably copyright.

All these images are reality distorted, which is quite fun!

So, here they are for you to play with.

This is a wonderful idea!

The disappearing road…….

An amusing idea……

Autumn activity…..

Now this is an idea!

An impossible idea…….

How to make an unpleasant day into a pleasant one.

Now this is an idea!

I hope that these images will spark off an idea in you…… But perhaps they will give you an idea for images that you will think of for yourself…. But in any event they are really weird ideas, and that is enough.

More weird images…….

Here are some more weird images for you………

A meeting of the Mickey Mouse Club in the USA…….

Some medical samples of hands……..

An illegal duck gun……

A motorcycle used as a jail……..

It used to be the habit to post kids……. And here is one!

So, here you have a load of images that are really weird… But you can use them for whatever you want…..

DON SEEGMILLER, a really weird look at the world’s characters.

This one is rather morosely called Not Swimmings!

This image rather says it all, this artist is a morose fellow, at least in his artwork, and his drawings are amazingly depressing, and rather beautiful in their own way.

Not only does he draw amzingly horrid creatures, (which he does!!!) but he also draws all sorts of gentle artworks, which I will show you now…..

A feeling woman.

As you can see, he is able to communicate in a number of ways…. For us, he is interesting as a character illustrator, in other words, a strange maker of art.

Here is a typical example of his work………..

And here is a drawing called “Old Maid”…. Pretty well sums it up methinks.

And to give another idea about his capabilities…. Here is a completely different one. Called Dark Princess… Not sure what that means, but what the hell………

A science fiction woman

And here is yet two others of his creatures…….

Two horrid creatures

And to give another idea of what this talented painter can do…….

A digital image…..

And another one of these!

Another digital image…..

All in all, he is a very talented and various artist, capable of many different styles, and one of whom I rather like….. If you like him as well, give me a comment below and I will answer you.

And to finish off, here is a link to his blog and an interview….



Photos that speak to you!!

Here you will find a number of images that will appeal to you – at least, I hope so!

They are a collection of strange and weird images that should spark a creative stream in you……. Gathered from the internet from a number of places, these photos should spark a creative spark in you…. Well, at least they did for me.

So, here are these photos, and I hope that you will be able to use them in some way.

Strange men on street……

Strange man.

What a HUGE beard, and I know what I am talking about…. I have a beard.

Strange young man

What can I say about this?

Anyway, here are a collection of very strange images for you to play with.

La Boite – Experiences with the Brisbane Roundhouse

I used to work in the Roundhouse in London, way back in the ’60’s of the last century (boy that makes me sound ancient!!!), and upon arriving in Brisbane I found work as a volunteer at the Brisbane Roundhouse, as an usher, rather than as a Production Manager (which was what I did at the Roundhouse in London (see other posts in this blog and my other blog,

It was amazing being back in another Roundhouse, and it was a great relief not to have the responsibility of being in charge, as I had been all my life – in the various things I did in my life – but simply just to turn up for work at the beginning of my shift, and then to stay until the end of my shift…… Easy really.

And not to have to rebuild the theatre when a new show came in, as we did in the London Roundhouse, simply think if it was in the round, or in a classical theatre thrust configuration. Actually, we ushers didn’t bother about that, we simply found it when we had our first shift – Stage hands built the scenery and configured the theatre each time…. We simply turned up and discovered what was what.

What was amazing about La Boite was that it was an experimental theatre, so shows that we put on there were more or less experimental, some more than others. Also, they held the annual Student Theatre shows there, which were interesting, but not necessarily good…… Student theatre is a big thing in Australian universities and much encouraged, but not necessarily good.

I worked in La Boite for about 6 years, and saw many interesting shows there, and then one day, we were all invited to a show, and we were fired! It seemed that they were in difficulties over the insurance which had to be paid for us all and so they had decided to get shot of us all……… Sad, but realistic.

Images to spark ideas………

What on earth is this all about?

As always, I have tried to find some weird and wonderful images to inspire your creative juices – whether you happen to be a teacher or a writer. All of them (see above and below) have been chosen because they are totally weird and wonderful, and generally defy any sort of logical reason for happening. In other words, I hope that they will inspire you to extreme creative imaginings. Do let me know if you use them to inspire or as central to a story please!

I love the addition of the one boot

Er………………. A party anyone?

Well, an innocent way of passing the time, I suppose

Not real, but fun………………………………

Dangerous people to know… I can imagine a serious story about hill-billies here

Er……………… Yes…………..

We have all met such people in Walmart……

I love the way that people have indulged their passions and fantasies since time began..

Zdzislaw Beksinski – A gothic artist of distopian tendencies.. To put it mildly!

This alarming and grim image is typical of the work of this artist from Poland who specialised in creating this sort of image.  I have to add at this point that I may seem to be attracted to dystopian and grim images, this is not so, I simply put them in this blog as I suspect that such images are more likely to spark some sort of creative surge in people.

Anyhow this is a very typical example of the work of this artist.  He grew up in war torn Poland, which obviously had a profound effect on his later life – so as a kid he played with war things, as you can see in this photo of him with a friend playing outside a damaged Block House with live shells…

If you saw him, you wouldn’t think for a minute that he would produce the sort of images he went on to create – as you can perhaps see in this photo of him, taken shortly before he was murdered by a teenager he wouldn’t lend a few hundred Zlotys to.

Anyhow, enough of this waffle, here are some typical images created by him, and he was prolific, so there are no end of other images (all essentially about the same thing though) which you can find easily enough online.

See?   Gruesome and horrid…  But they can produce some interesting thoughts I reckon…