The Rhythm Project – All Rhythm Stems From Movement

I have just stumbled upon a fascinating video, as one does on Youtube, all about how the rhythms of daily work in tribal Africa is based on rhythm, and how that is then translated into music and dance.

We see village women working at the normal daily tasks in such communities, and their men also, all demonstrating the obvious benefits of working rhythmically.   We also see several of their musical instruments being created, in the case of a sort of drum, we see the tree it is made from being felled (rhythmically) and then the entire process of hollowing it out, stretching the skin and so on….  All done in a sensible rhythmical manner.

Beautiful people by the way.

We then see how all of his translates into music and dance – amazingly.

All in all a fascinating short video with a very important message – we need to recognise the importance of rhythm and movement in our lives, and should ensure that we do not stray too far from these important basic human needs.

So, here is the video for you to watch, a good way to pass about 10 minutes of your day I feel.  Enjoy it, and take the message onboard please.

Please ignore the “Copyright Protected” message at the start of the video, not sure why it is there as they want as many people as possible to see their video, so watch it with a calm mind.

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